Sunday, 17 August 2008

Reflections on Mark's Gospel - Mark 1:6

John, the last great OT Prophet

John was the last of the prophets under the old covenant, and he presents himself as such. There had been over 400 years of silence from God since he sent the last true prophet (Malachi). Then John bursts on the scene.

John's message had been to call God's people back to a faithful relationship with him. Included in that message was a rejection of the formal religion in the political capital, Jerusalem, and of the temple sacrifices.

His appearance was also a direct contrast to the religious leaders of his day. While they were dressed in long flowing robes with tassles and boxes, he was dressed very roughly - with a course garment and a rough belt. While they dined on the finest foods, he survived on the simplest of fare - provided by God without human tending. (The locusts came in swarms and could be stored with salt. The bees produced honey that was plentiful in the crevices of rocks).
And his appearance provoked associations with another great OT prophet - Elijah (the one anticipated in Mal_3:1 and identified in Mal_4:5).

Elijah had worn a rough garment made of goats hair, with a rough belt (2Ki_1:8). He was also fed by God in the wilderness. He also rejected the corruption of the political capital, Jerusalem, and the religious idolatry that was practiced there.

The contrast between John the Baptist's spiritual movement and the religious establishment of his day could not have been greater. [Interestingly, it was not a model that Jesus himself followed exactly - he lived in towns, ate at feasts, dressed simply in a woven garment]. John was a living sign of the judgment coming on the establishment.

Where have I accommodated myself to the values and lifestyle of the establishment? And where do I need to separate myself from them to demonstrate God's displeasure with the values that underlie that lifestyle.

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