Sunday, 17 August 2008

Reflections on Mark's Gospel - Mark 1:27

Amazed in the Synagogue

The major point to note in this verse is what provokes the reaction of those in the Capernaum synagogue. Why were they were amazed!

The crowd in the synagogue were surprised at what Jesus said and did. He spoke a new teaching... not like their scribes. And he had command over evil spirits... not like their exorcists.
The emphasis is on Jesus' revealed authority. His authority is revealed in his teaching and in casting out demons. The Gk text is ambiguous as to whether the crowd said, "A new teaching with authority! He commands even the unclean spirits..." or "A new teaching! And with authority he commands the unclean spirits...". We don't have the original punctuation marks to determine the exact reading. But at the end of the day it doesn't make much different. The emphasis on Jesus' authority - with is demonstrated both in his teaching and in his dealing with the demon - is maintained.

Is amazement the sort of reaction we should still expect ourselves as we encounter Jesus? On the one hand, we might say that we shouldn't. As followers of Jesus we have accepted his authority - his teaching, over the world at large, both physical and spiritual, and over us. We are not surprised that he has authority. But on the other hand, I am not convinced that we can ever fully know God, or fully trust his authority. So I expect that there will be times when we are amazed at the gracious activity of our God, or at his wrathful vengeance at the wicked. I think I would have a very purile faith if I never expected God to surprise me.

Are there areas in my life which need to be surrendered to the authority of Jesus? Is there a teaching of his that I am ignoring? Is there an area of temptation that I am failing to resist? Is there a circumstance or a person or some evil influence in my life that is beyond my power to deal with, where I need Jesus to exercise his authority?

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